Michael Giffin
- Jan 3, 2021
- 1 min
Jane Austen: The Woman on the £10 Note (now available from Amazon)
The Jane Austen phenomenon is remarkably enduring. Throughout the world, it is found within secondary schools, tertiary institutions,...
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Michael Giffin
- Nov 26, 2020
- 1 min
Religion in the English Novel: From Jane Austen to Margaret Atwood
Romanticism marked a dramatic turning point in philosophy and aesthetics. The shift from Classicism to Romanticism to Modernism and its...
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Michael Giffin
- Mar 24, 2020
- 1 min
What does Atwood share with Austen?
On re-reading Margaret Atwood’s first published novel The Edible Woman (1969) I noticed it adapted the same structure as Jane Austen’s...
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